16 April 2010 - Friday
Human Resources and Management Human Resources Summit brings together the world’s leading names in the 15th starting from 14 to 15 April 2010 at the Istanbul Lutfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Center was held at. Under the Summit AKGÜN as a group, we got the award for Respect in the field of IT. Business World ‘ s leading HR Managers Human Resources Summit rewarded at the business in a short time by turning all of the applications have been granted the award . HR coordinator in his speech, ” Turkey, as one of the leading software companies in the industry with our growth of our group is one of the basic building blocks of qualified human resources. Our group has grown, we have a growing and dynamic team and innovative perspectives of the different winning every day,” he said. Group human resources as our reflections on the value of all the candidates who have successfully managing the process of evaluation and communication is very important to be in your feedback as soon as possible candidates to be awarded due to human respect to the award of getting proud .