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22 February 2012 - Wednesday

Akgun Software, owned by Turkey and Kazakhstan health sector may experience services in the field of health informatics to speak regarding the input of TC Astana recently met with Ambassador Lale ÜLKER. During the visit, the activities of Akgün Software Kazakhstan ongoing projects and provided information about the projects he wants to do.

Meeting time: Current status of bilateral trade and economic relations, perspectives of the European Union – Azerbaijan relations of Azerbaijan discussed issues such as the World Trade Organization membership. It is also different from the two -sided negotiations , and the UNO Vienna office of the deputy director , director of UNO office lady Mazlan OTMAN interviews cosmic matters with were also conducted.

Within the framework of the intergovernmental commission meeting of the Federal Republic of Austria on February 22, with more than 60 rooms, Austrian Economics, covering close to 20 different areas of the economy of Azerbaijan with the participation of the parent company was Business- Forum.

The Republic of Austria Federal Economic Chamber, define all private and public companies operating in the country are contained.

On February 22, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan Republic, Azerbaijan, Austria, together with the Embassy of Azerbaijan “day ” was held . Measure the Republic of Austria’s members of the government, heads of diplomatic missions in Austria, as well as the company heads have been invited to.