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8 March 2019 - Friday

All Hospitals will be digitalized with Akgün Software Solutions

 We participated in the Breakthrough in Technology and Career Summit 2019 (TAK’19) organized by Atılım University Software Society on 04-06 March 2019.

The main theme of the event was “Transformation of Sectors with Technology“ and Digital Transformation in Public Sector, Digitalization in Human Resources, Digital Transformation in Health, Digital Transformation in Financial Technologies, Digital Transformation in the Insurance Sector, Digital Transformation of Media, Digital Transformation of Defense Industry, Digital Transformation of E-Commerce panels have been performed in this context.

Where high-level participants and students from different sectors and firms came together at the TAK event, AKGÜN Deputy General Manager Züleyha AKGÜN took part as speaker in “Digital Transformation in Health” panel.

Mrs. Züleyha AKGÜN said in his speech that there will be progress on virtual reality in the future and emphasized the importance of digitalization. Mrs. AKGÜN said that In all hospitals in the health sector we ensure that institutions and organizations can work in a fully integrated structure by integrating digitalization of medical, financial and administrative processes, medical device integrations, remote patient monitoring, integrating with suppliers working in hospitals and integrating with national portals. At the end of her speech Mrs. AKGÜN said to the youth that If you want to keep up with technological changes, you need to be smart and fast. If you support the next generation as Turkey moves forward or remain behind.