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20 January 2014 - Monday


Education is a key word for the human resources circle. Being aware of the creative added value of education and training on the existing human resource, AKGÜN displays an attitude sensitive to the training needs of its employees. It is aimed to increase the employee quality and corporate loyalty with the trainings provided inside and outside company.

AKGÜN considering human resource as the most important element in making a difference in the business world, where an environment of competitiveness prevails, continued to support the programs investing in the development of its personnel in 2013, too. AKGÜN ALLOCATED 111 DAYS AND 263 HOURS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ITS PERSONNEL WITH 212 TRAININGS IN TOTAL HELD WITH THE INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION OR WITH THE ATTENDANCE OF LARGE MASSES WITHIN THE SCOPE OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT TRAININGS IN 2013. Main components of personnel development programs are; improving the leadership capabilities of the personnel, providing training to the personnel by the executive, 360 degree feedback evaluations and planning of the personal development of the personnel.     

In our day, when rapid change in technology and competition world-wide increase the need for well-educated workforce, the employees should make an effort to become individuals continuously learning.

The personal development process to be followed by the employee includes sharing the career goals with the employer, conducting research to increase knowledge, attending to the trainings, participating in new projects to gain experience, determining future steps based on feedback and evaluations and creating a personal action plan.

Sharing the same vision on the way to success, AKGÜN supports the development of their employees to provide quality products and services and become open to change and creative while its employees attend to the training programs, which will contribute to their personal development to achieve their career goals.