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22 May 2014 - Thursday

AKGÜN has made a great success with the PACS Server, PACS Workstation and Radiology Information System products at the IHE Connectathon event held in Vienna between the dates of 7-11 April and compliance of our products with IHE standards has been proved once again. Within this scope, it is certified that the products provide not only the 6 actor-profiles required by the Ministry of Health but also add 11 new actor-profiles to the existing ones achieving a world standard.     

IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise), is an initiative launched by the professionals and industry providing healthcare service to develop health information sharing methods in the computers systems used in health sector. It was established to promote the use of standards such as IHE, DICOM and HL7 in the communication between the devices and systems in line with the needs.  In this way, communication of the system manufactured at the IHE standards with another system is facilitated, configuration is faster and information is offered to service providers in a more effective manner.

IHE provides the detailed configuration and test settings at the Connectathon events to ensure the interoperability of the hardware and software based on standards and to promote this integration. During the Connectathon process, systems of different manufacturers exchange messages among themselves. Systems are obliged to complete all operations determined in the roles defined as IHE actor in the identified clinic scenarios called IHE profiles during this test. Connectathon is an important event, where the compatibility of the participants’ products with IHE profiles and their interoperability are validated.

Connectathon is held annually in Asia, Europe and North America. The event at Connectathon, to which hundreds of manufacturer firms attend, lasts for approximately one week.  Our team attending to the event at Connectathon held in Vienna between the dates 7-11 April participated in the tests conducted with PACS Server, PACS Workstation and Radiology Information System products.

Under current circumstances, the number of tests PACS Server, Workstation and RIS products passed in IHE tests at Connectathon Vienna 2014 is 17 in total. We thank to our team and our personnel for their support.