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13 January 2016 - Wednesday


New Application of AKGUN at the Institutions…

“As AKGUN Group; we have been carrying out our activities in Elazığ since 2004.

With the involvement of Elazığ Public Hospitals Union on 1 March 2013 into our family, “Software for the HBYS Integration of the Medical Consumable and Depot Entrance and Exit Procedures by means of Barcode Readers”, which was successfully developed by our firm, of  Elazığ Training and Research Hospital has become an example for Turkey. Therefore our firm feels right proud of the certificate of appreciation awarded.

I would like to thank and extend my gratitude to Elazığ Province Public Hospitals Union General Secretary Op. Dr. Latif Ustunel, Hospital Administrator of Elazığ Training and Research Hospital Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih Burçin Kavak, who deemed our firm suitable for the Certificate of Appreciation, on the behalf of myself and our firm.

I would like to express with all my sincerity that as AKGUN family we are pleased to have worked with you …

Our firm will continue its services and to support all kinds of activities required for the development of our country in terms of health information technology.” 
AKGUN Software Chairman of the Board of Directors Temel AKGUN

‘’Having advanced technology our firm offers innovative products and services for the domestic and foreign markets.”

Stock Management and Barcode Technologies with AKGUN

All kinds of consumables at hand to meet the emergency needs in the hospital management and to carry out medical diagnoses and treatments without interruption are named as stock. Stock means material without any movement and is the stable resources with potential value. In hospital management, the primary factors regarding the diagnosis and treatment services of the patients are human force and materials. These two factors will improve the quality of the service provided. Material efficiency is possible with a well-established stock management.

With is wide range of programme AKGUN; with its Stock Management application,

  • Enables efficient and rapid stock and inventory management.
  • Ensures high-accuracy stock information.
  • Prevents loss and leaks.

Under the competitive conditions of our day, the organization that offers the product or service to the end user on time has strategic advantage over the other organizations. Especially considering that these institutions are hospitals, this becomes more important. Hospitals have a vital role in terms of human health. Hospitals provide service for 24 hours due to the urgency and unrejectable nature of the patient treatment and service provided to inpatients. Therefore it is necessary to make the sufficient amount of various medicines, medical material and other support materials, which will prevent the disruption of services at the hospitals, available in the stock.

Stock levels need to be neither too high nor low at the healthcare structures, otherwise the relevant facilities fail to perform the diagnosis and treatment services and irreparable consequences may arise.

As the case for every sector, cutthroat competition in the health sector enforces regular control of input, process and outputs and obtaining optimum maximum output with the optimum minimum inputs.

Our facilities ensure with AKGUN that the right material is provided at the right time, at the right place and at an effective cost by means of stock management, which directly means material management in terms of hospital management.