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15 November 2022 - Tuesday

We participated as main sponsor in “HIMSS Eurasia 22 Healthcare Information and Technologies Conference and Exhibition” held in Antalya between 10-12 November 2022.

Digital hospital, e-healthcare, smart systems in healthcare, artificial intelligence and advanced technology applications were exhibited at HIMSS Eurasia 22, where new applications and developments were presented in the constantly changing and developing field of healthcare informatics. HIMSS Eurasia brought together all healthcare professionals with fairgrounds, panels, training sessions and B2B meetings. The professionals from public and private sectors and healthcare informatics companies were under the same roof at the event.

We were at HIMSS Eurasia, the Biggest Healthcare Exhibition, with our Digital Healthcare Solutions

In the event that we participated with a stand, the Ministers of Health of many countries, especially Dr. Şuayip BİRİNCİ, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey, and many healthcare professionals visited our stand. Numerous B2B meetings were also held as part of the event.

Journey to AKGUN Advanced Technologies with VR Glasses

At our stand, which attracted great attention, our visitors discovered our AKGUN products through a different experience by wearing VR glasses.

Do not Just Catch the Age with Our Artificial Intelligence Solutions, Catch also the Opportunities Beyond the Age with Us!

Our digital hospital solutions, tele-healthcare, tele-radiology, our intelligent healthcare applications, our AKGUN X-Eye Mammo, X-Eye Covid artificial intelligence products, our iVital Intensive Care System and much more attracted the attention of visitors at our stand.

Fun Moments with our Games «Digital Hospital» & «Mask»…

A competition relating to our game «Digital Hospital» & «Mask» was held at our AKGUN stand. A large number of guests attended in our competition started by Dr. Şuayip BİRİNCİ, Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Turkey. The game allowed healthcare professionals to get to know our products more closely and also added more fun to the event. The first 3 finalists in the game were awarded.

AKGUN Left its Mark to HIMSS Eurasia 22 Panels

AKGÜN, producing advanced technological solutions for a healthy future, took place as a speaker on the panels in all 3 days of the event. During the events, AKGUN managers revealed what has been done and what needs to be done for the future in the panels.

Our General Manager, Mr. Hakan KARATAŞ, took place on the panel on "Offering Value-Based Healthcare through Tele-Healthcare" on the first day of the event.

Our Deputy General Manager, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İzzet Gökhan ÖZBİLGİN, attended as a speaker on the panel on "Anonymization Big Healthcare Data" on the second day of the event.

Our Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ahmet Hamdi ATALAY, was a panelist on the panel on "Development of Healthcare Skills and Building a New Generation Healthcare Awareness with Digitalization" on the third day of the event.