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4 March 2022 - Friday

We attended the Atılım University Career Days held at Atılım University between February 24-25, 2022.

At the event organized by Atılım University Career Planning and Joint Education Coordination Office, students and graduates came together with Türkiye's leading brands. Participation in the event, which aimed to help students obtain sectoral information and prepare themselves for business life by meeting the companies they might work with after graduation, was high.

We had conversations about the future with young people at the event, where there was a great interest in our company.  Young people visiting our booth were informed about our AKGUN Human Resources Policy, Talent Pool Project and Internship Opportunities.

As AKGUN human resources, our goal is to have human resources that can keep up with the change in the IT sector, are suitable for the dynamics of the sector and open to innovations, have a wide vision, make a difference, and reflect their talents into their work. In this context, we attach great importance to our future youth and take part in activities that support them.