21 December 2021 - Tuesday
We attended the 14th Information Security and Cryptology Conference (ISCTURKEY 2021), which took place on 2 - 3 December 2021 at the Conference Hall of the Republic of Turkey Presidential National Library, as the booth sponsor.
The main theme of ISCTURKEY 2021, organized by the Information Security Association in cooperation with Gazi University, Istanbul Technical University, Middle East Technical University and TOBB Economy and Technology University, was determined as "Cyber Security in the Health Sector". The event, supported by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, Turkey Digital Transformation Office and Defense Industries Presidency of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, and the Information Technologies and Communications Authority, was included in the activities of the "European Cyber Security Month" platform by the European Network and Information Security Agency.
At the opening ceremony held within the scope of the event, our Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Temel AKGUN, was awarded a plaque for his contributions to the 14th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology. The plaque to our Chairman of the Board of Directors was presented by DDO President Mr. Ali Taha KOÇ and BGD President Mr. Taha YÜCEL.
At ISCTURKEY 2021, within the framework of "Cyber Security in the Health Sector", new developments, changes and cyber attacks that may occur in the field of artificial intelligence, internet of things, blockchain technology and post-quantum cryptology and the measures that can be taken against these attacks were evaluated by experts.
In this context, on the 1st day of the event, our Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Ahmet Hamdi ATALAY took place as a speaker in the panel on "Information Infrastructure and Cyber Threats in the Health Sector". Mr. Ahmet Hamdi ATALAY gave comprehensive answers to the questions "Why is health data so important?" and “What should be done to keep the invaluable data secure?” directed by DDO Vice President and Panel Moderator Mr. Yavuz Emir BEYRİBEY . Mr. Ahmet Hamdi ATALAY, in his speech, said, “We have the health system with the best digitization rate in the world, and Turkey, which has completed digitalization in health to a great extent, sits on a wealth of health data.” Our Deputy Chairman stated that “Information security is not actually a technological event, it is a risk management and has 3 dimensions” and “Guaranteed access to data is to guarantee the privacy of the data and to ensure that the data is kept as it is.” Emphasizing the importance of the technological infrastructure that will provide this, Mr. ATALAY said, “Turkey has completed its technological infrastructure in the field of cyber security to a great extent. The digitization part of the digital transformation in Turkey has been completed to a great extent. We are at the stage of comprehending digital transformation and mental transformation. For this, we need experts, knowledgeable and conscious people who are trained in this business”.
Mr. ATALAY said, “You are all familiar, there is an infrastructure called HIMS in the health system. It is known as HIS in Europe. The part of the world we call HIS is actually a narrow scope. Our HIMS, on the other hand, is incredibly wide, consider the application of ERP in the organizations in the field of health. We should also thank our Ministry of Health in this sense. There is HIMS, which covers all the operations and transactions that can happen in a hospital in Turkey, from parking lot management to cafeteria management, and all health systems. We have a system with no equivalent in the world. AKGUN Technology also has the first and only EAL security certified HIMS system in Turkey. We did it with our own motivation. On this occasion, I would like to underline this. He concluded his speech by saying that testing and certification must be provided in terms of security vulnerabilities of HIMS.
On the second day of the event, our Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Ahmet Hamdi ATALAY, took part as the panel moderator at the panel titled "5G and Cyber Security in the Health Sector".
At the event, where there was great interest in our company, we hosted visitors cyber/information security officers from many universities, public institutions and organizations at our booth.
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