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23 July 2013 - Tuesday

The importance of social media today, and the use of in-house Corporate Communications Director of the University of TED conference Dear Mutlu Ata CAN was held on 06.18.2012 in Plaza. Internet users are now in a global world, not only for young people. In our country, the number of users approaching 26 million women, men, young, old, children … In short, everyone is now using the internet. Lives in the “Social Media” there. Good to know in order to understand the concepts of social media, you need to know to start using the other social media platforms.

The most important concept that combines the Internet and public relations seen as “social media” involved. Social media offers unlimited opportunities for internet users. These opportunities are in companies with reflection, products and services, if you have problems; companies are unable to satisfy their customers are starting to become a threat to social media. Within the framework of this information in order to raise awareness about Social Media, Social Media -themed conference participants acclaim. To give a conscious use of social media in-house because they share valuable ideas with us to Dear Ata CAN huge thanks.